Joyce Jamal


Master Design Studio

Caroline Claus & Burak Pak

Sonic Urbanism Studio_L28 19-20

With the river acting as a sort of seperator between two big areas, I was adamant on creating a pedestrian bridge linking the two. Following discovering the old structure bases of the second train bridge, I decided to edit the pedestrian bridge for it to be held by them. With the King’s domain being closed off from the public, I definitely wanted to open it up. I did so by using the King’s station and adding a door in it on the ground level. With these 3 zones being empty and non-managed I decided to have the ones to the left and right as urban pockets, and the middle one as an urban park (my focus) With the train passing making itself very present especially under it in the urban park, I decided to have there a listening experience playing on a person’s senses. Having the urban park on a accessible by walking slope would strenghten the “openess” idea versus having a high wall like the king’s domain which asserts dominance.