Catalina Yvonne

Sound forest

Master Design Studio

Caroline Claus & Burak Pak

Sonic Urbanism Studio_L28 19-20

Key issues:

1.Exclusion and segregation of the community. 2.Lack of identity. 3.Walls as barriers between the neighborhood's façades and gardens. 4.Forgetting the history of the place. 5.Young unemployment.- Lack of opportunities. 6.Lack of green areas. 7.No connection between non-human and human space. 8.Place for passing by, no for staying 9.Landscape and biodiversity do not have any relation in the space.

Urban strategies:

1.Create semi-open spaces that engaged weather. 2.Streghten the sense of ownership of the place by the community with activities in which they should participate. 3.Develop endemic flora and fauna from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. 4.Generate income and work spaces where the young population can participate. 5.Generate spaces of art and culture where the immigrant population and moslty young people can create a sense of belonging. 6.Create and relate design patterns to place that help generate strong connections between the community and space.

Sound strategies:

1.Create spaces that combining and mixing sounds. 2.Amplify some sounds and reducing others. 3.Biodiversity: A green edge seen as Sonic Interface. 4.Create habitats for local plants and wildlife alongside a community space encouraging education, observation and conversation around sound experiences. 5.Activate the sense of feeling and living nature through Acoustic Ecology. 6.Attract not only the local community, but also generate a local scientific tourism. 7.Combat the consequences of industrial projects that have impacted the area in recent decades.